🔥Ecstatic InterPole 😂 Dance💃

Freestyle vernacular fusion partner dance

the dance formally known as Techno Salsa

Saturday, June 8th @ 20:00
Mejlgade 53 Ã…rhus
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Ecstatic interactive pole dancing combines ecstatic dance, pole dancing, contact improve, along with many venacular partner dance techniques (e.g: salsa, lindy hop, tango, bzouk, kizomba) to improvisationally interact with each other (in a lead and follow fashion) to all kinds of dancable music (the kinda music that make us want to dance!!!). The dance explores the essence of lead and follow partnership dancing and phyisical interactions.

The dance very much celebrats the essence of venacular partner dance, expression of musicality via body movements and the raw creative dance energy of rave, after hour club scene and festivals. NO CAMERA allowed at the event!

While we do not enforce the strictly sorbert ecstatic dance rule, we don't recommend that you get too wasted at the dance workshop or event. The dance requires the particpants to be able to maintain some physical balance with eachother while dancing.

- Power Monkey, AKA Techno Salsa Fusion Guy, AKA DJ formally known as NO SALSA
Performance Video - Copenhagen
Workshop Video - Kyiv

Berlin Dec 16th 2023 DJ set for the dance performance (audio only ~30mins):

Teaser Dance Workshop and Social Dancing

Saturday, June 8th, 2024 @ Super , Aarhus - Mejlgade 53 Ã…rhus

Teaser Dance Workshop (limited to 10 leaders and followers, no partner required)
20:00 - 20:30

Social Dancing and Practice (open for more people)
20:30 - 22:00

Web: www.FusionDance.club
E-Mail: powermonkey@riseup.net

More about the dance workshop:
This is a NOT a tradional partner dancing workshop.
The intention of the workshop is for the participants to be able to dance with each other improvisationally in a lead or follower fashion to music that they already like to dance to by themselves.
The workshop is for people who already like dancing to music by themselves, and want to learn some techniqus to improvisational interact with one another on the dance floor to anykind of danceable music.
Of course, if the participants had experience in one or more partner dancing before it will be more familar. We will however NOT emphasize too much on dance steps. Rather we will be focusing on creating connections between the partners and how to improvise to music based on that connection.

We would prefer if you RSVP by E-Mail ahead if you planing on attending the dance workshop. As space is limited.